ADMB Project

Released May 29, 2015

ADMB source build and usage procedures for Unix operating systems such as Linux, MacOS, Solaris and BSD.


The following programs should be installed on the local computer.

Note — For MacOS, install XCode with command line tools includes all the prerequistes.

Quick Start

  1. Open a Terminal window

  2. Download ADMB source distribution

    Download ADMB source distribution

    Use the command below to extract contents of zip file to ~/admb/.

       [~]$ unzip
  3. Build ADMB source

    Change to admb directory.

       [~]$ cd admb

    To build ADMB, use the commands below.

       [~/admb/]$ make

    If debug symbols are needed, use the commands below.

       [~/admb/]$ make debug

    Note — When the build is completed, ~/admb/build/dist/ is the binary distribution directory.

  4. Use ADMB

    In the Terminal window, use the steps below to build and run the simple example.

    Change to simple example directory.

       [~/admb/]$ cd examples/admb/simple

    Build simple example.

       [~/admb/examples/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb/admb simple.tpl

    Note — For MinGW-Msys and Cygwin shells, use the '' script.

       [~/admb/examples/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb/ simple.tpl

    Run simple example.

       [~/admb/examples/admb/simple/]$ ./simple

    Read manuals for more information.

  5. Optional — Multi-User Installation

    Installs binary distribution folder to /usr/local/ as super-user.

       [~/admb/]$ sudo make install

    Build and run the simple example without the directory prefix.

       [~/admb/]$ cd examples/admb/simple
       [~/admb/examples/admb/simple/]$ admb simple.tpl
       [~/admb/examples/admb/simple/]$ ./simple

    If unable to build simple example, then use the Manual Installation below.

    Alternative — Manual Installation

    Copy binary distribution folder to /usr/local/ as super-user.

       [~/admb/]$ sudo cp -Rvf build/dist /usr/local/admb

    Note — The dist folder can be copied to other computers with similar configurations.

    Create symlink to main admb script. Directory /usr/local/bin/ should already exist.

       [~/admb/]$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/admb/admb /usr/local/bin/admb

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