Released May 29, 2015
Describe changes and features for each release.
The goals for all releases are
User interface: Windows admb bash script has a .sh extension to avoid conflict with batch file. So in MinGW or Cygwin shell, user will need to use
[~/admb/examples/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb/ simple
Fixed 'admb -d' for unix, mingw and cygwin shells.
To build with optimized libraries use fast option (-f) instead of (-o).
$ admb -f model.tpl
Fix shared ( and dynamic (admb.dll) builds.
[~/admb/]$ make shared
C:\admb\> utilities\make shared
Note — This is great for testing linker errors.
Added contributed method to save gradient values to a file. Contributed by Jiashen Tang and David Fournier.
Added back the MacOS binary ADMBTerminal app.
admb scripts can determine which parser (tpl2cpp or tpl2rem) to use.
[~/admb/examples/admb-re/union/]$ ~/admb/admb union
Note: Option -r is no longer needed to build the random effects model.
Note: Borland 5.5 compiler is no longer supported.
Add debug target to build files.
$ make debug
Add shared target to build files (Unix only).
$ make shared
admb scripts can be called directly and do not require setting enviromental variables ADMB_HOME and PATH.
For Unix,
[~/admb/example/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb/admb simple
For Windows,
C:\admb\example\admb\simple\> C:\admb\admb simple
admb scripts can build C++ source files and link.
For Unix,
[~/admb/example/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb/admb simple.tpl mysource.cpp
For Windows,
C:\admb\example\admb\simple\> C:\admb\admb simple.tpl mysource.cpp
admb scripts have a new option -f for optimized library "OPT_LIB".
For Unix,
[~/admb/example/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb/admb -f simple.tpl mysource.cpp
For Windows,
C:\admb\example\admb\simple\> C:\admb\admb -f simple.tpl mysource.cpp
admb scripts have a new option -c for only building object files.
Both commands below will only build simple.o and mysource.o compiled object files.
The model application will not be built.
For Unix,
[~/admb/example/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb/admb -c simple.tpl mysource.cpp
For Windows,
C:\admb\example\admb\simple\> C:\admb\admb -c simple.tpl mysource.cpp
Note: This is the almost the same as using 'adcomp mysource'.
The following are planned or requested features for the next release.
Released May 10, 2013
Updated Visual Studio nmake build files.
Improved Unix build files.
Only outdated files are rebuilt.
Fast parallel building with source distribution
[~/admb/]$ make -j
Building from source will create distribution folder in 'build/dist' instead of 'build/os-compiler-arch'.
Combined mulitple libraries to a single library 'libadmb.a'.
Reverted some algorithms to previous version-9 code.
The compilation scripts (adcomp, adlink, admb) compile in "safe" mode by default.
added 's' option with the Ctrl^C
contributed libraries are built with the main libraries.
flex is not needed to build ADMB, but it is needed to develop the tpl2cpp.lex and tpl2rem.lex files.
Improved documentation.
admb script can now build tpl models without the need to set ADMB_HOME or PATH. For example,
[~/admb-11.1/examples/admb/simple/]$ ~/admb-11.1/admb simple
Functions from user-contributed packages can be loaded from directory 'contrib'. Read 'contrib/README.txt'.
New class 'init_table' to read input data into a matrix.
New function sumsq() to calculate sum of squared values, equivalent to norm2().
New constant PI for 3.141593... Makes models more portable than using M_PI or other compiler-specific constants.
New shell command 'ad2csv' to write binary files to screen or to a file.
admb is now able to handle .obj, .cpp and .tpl files on the commandline.
For example,
$ admb model.tpl supportcode.cpp anotherfile.cpp
Output is executable 'model'.
For help and support, email